Tuesday 3 July 2018

Malema knows 4GW

The media recently reported on a Twitter conversation, wherein Julius Malema was asked "They say you organize farm murders." Malema responded with: "Maybe, Maybe not".

White people, and many others, throughout South Africa were infuriated. But a friend had this to say:

This is good 4GW. Completely deniable if it comes to court action ("I was saying that about the Boer song, not me personally." Plus his culture is fine with weasel words and weasel actions). And gives him a big moral level boost from his supporters. It comes off like thumbing his nose (his supporters love him more, become more bold) and it's deniable if the enemy tries to use it against him. The fact that he'll beat any charges related to it gives him a second moral level boost from a three word tweet.
Emboldens his support base. Co-opts the farm murder movement by essentially assuming a leadership role because now the farm murderers look at him and they also wonder "is he the one giving orders?" (If there is an organised farm killing movement vs distributed movement vs they just make good targets).
This is a master stroke.
He knows his enemy well. They'll do exactly one of three things. Leave the country (he appears to win, even while eroding his money supply). They get another excuse for a 2 minute hate and vent against him, while continuing to produce only to be plundered and thus support him. Or they do nothing different and bury their heads in the sand and continue to provide financial support for his side (tax revenue), provide a unifying enemy (a.k.a. hatred fodder) for his side (like Jews for WW2 Germans - yes, I know that's an oversimplification, but it's a commonplace), and by continuing like this they contribute to the low opinion the rest of the country has of them (a culture that responds/respects force, due to short time preferences and cultural history will only lose respect for another culture that lets itself be plundered).
Moral level win (for his side, degraded moral level for his enemy). Physical level encouragement for farm murderers. Mental level messing with his enemy's minds. This is the kind of thing Heartiste would crow about if it wasn't against his preferred side.
The only way it backfires is if it increases resolve amongst his enemies. But soy boys and shrill shrikes don't really do "resolve".

Malema definitely appears to be the Bantu nations' Grey Champion in this Fourth Turning. Will the non-blacks find their own champion, or will they disappear from history?

Sunday 17 June 2018

A Fathers' Day encomium

Today we celebrate men who love their children. Men who protect their children and men who provide for their children. This is my way of honouring my father.

We all have fathers. Mine raised me well, teaching me many manly arts, being an example to me of what it means to be a man. He taught me to shoot, he taught me how to sharpen a knife, and he taught me the duty a father has to protect his wife and children. He shielded me from my mother's womanly overprotectiveness when she didn't want me playing rugby, and he was there to watch every match of every sport I played. He helped push me in a productive direction when I had none of my own, and he supported me when I tried different paths.

Now he is not only a father to many, but a grandfather to many as well. His grandchildren love him too, and I can see the joy in their eyes whenever they see him. With his children, and his children's children, he truly believes "for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

He did his best to protect his family, and he did his best to provide for his family. No more needs be said, for there is enough glory in this for any man.

Saturday 16 June 2018

Anarcho-tyranny in South Africa: Lights are going off

In South Africa, there were rolling black outs and planned load shedding on the electricity grid about a decade ago, because there was not enough capacity available in the system. That was a failing of government, both in its state-owned corporation Eskom and government proper, but it was incompetence.

Now there is once again load shedding, this time because protesting workers will not allow staff or supplies to enter certain of Eskom's power stations. This is not incompetence, it is anarcho-tyranny.

The workers are by law not allowed to strike - they are an essential service, to use the government's phrase. And yet, they strike without being arrested. Moreover, despite intimidation, hijacking and sabotage already being illegal, Eskom has felt it necessary to get a court interdict prohibiting the strikers from intimidation, hijacking and sabotage. This is the chaotic anarchy. The police, as part of the state which owns Eskom, are doing nothing to force these criminals to obey the law. That is more anarchy. I assume Eskom, as with most companies during strike season, have implemented a no-work-no-pay policy. But with protesters using intimidation against scabs, and blocking entrances, these scabs must either go without pay or use force of their own to get to work. And knowing the South African justice system as I do, I am sure anyone using force against criminals to go do the job they by law must do, would be prosecuted by this same state allowing the criminals free rein. This is tyranny.

The state currently sits in a lose-lose situation. If they allow the protests to continue, ordinary people will suffer from the load shedding and they will once more witness the powerlessness of the state to enforce order where it is required. If they break up the protests by force, the unintelligent and the communists (for such is what NUM and NUMSA consist of) will become more unruly and possibly violent, as will their poorer and less employed fellow travellers in the areas around the power stations. Either way, the state loses legitimacy.

How can the state escape this catch-22? I'm not sure they can. South Africa is a multicultural country, and it is not sustainable. The productive tribes want people to obey the law, broadly speaking, and be orderly and productive, as they themselves are. The unproductive tribes want to be given what they feel is their due, with no regard for where it comes from or who will provide it, beyond a vague magical notion that white monopoly capital has stolen it all and can just give it back.

These two classes of people cannot long sustain the fiction of unity. Multiculturalism has failed. This anarcho-tyrannical empire of tribes is not united, and must soon separate or collapse into chaos. The sooner the division happens, the less painful it will be. But empires are not in the habit of swiftly seeing reason, and so it must be forced by common people to do the right thing. Separate these nations. End the strife. And let each people live as they see fit.

Saturday 14 April 2018

The Road To Mecca

The Road To Mecca is a two act play by South African playwright Athol Fugard, published in 1984 but set in 1974 in a small village in the Karoo, New Bethesda.There are three characters: Helen, a widowed artist who's lived in the village all her life; Elsa, her young friend from Cape Town; and Marius, the dominee (preacher). Fugard wrote the characters well - I can tell this, because Elsa irritated me to no end.

Helen is an older, apparently childless woman. After the death of her husband, she realises she never loved him. She feels as though she wasted her life, trapped with a man she didn't love, and after dreaming of a magical trip to a beautiful Mecca, she stops going to church and begins building statues of owls and Buddhas and other assortments, and she lines the walls of a room in her house with mirrors and glitter to capture all the light from her candles. She's also suicidal.

Elsa is a white, English schoolteacher in a Coloured school. She likes to teach her schoolchildren to be rebellious, a paladin for their rights. Her love of all mankind doesn't extend to Afrikaners, who she hates and stereotypes as much as any white ever did any other race. She never mentions her own people, either positively or negatively. But she did have an affair with a married man, and after he dumps her, in her alpha widowhood she aborts the baby he never knew of. This aligns well with the freedom she constantly preaches to her friend Helen, as she frees herself of her responsibilities: "I put an abrupt and violent end to the first real consequence my life has ever had." In her grief, which she covers with anger, she vacillates between kindness and cruelty to a young, widowed, Coloured hitchhiker she meets on the 12 hour drive from Cape Town to New Bethesda.

Marius is also widowed and childless, but has not lost his faith. He mourns for Helen's loss of faith as only a beta orbiter could. When the village children began stoning Helen's idolatrous statues, this preacher conspired with the school principal to lecture them and get them to stop. His love for a woman who rejects him and his faith leads him to kindness to her, without once in twenty years - not until the events of the play - calling out her apostasy. And even then it is only a half-hearted resignation to the fact that she is lost, not a denunciation of her ways.

It is a sad story. Two female friends, both lying to each other and concealing the truth, even as they proclaim their love for and trust of each other. One, a woman who dreams of freedom from Christianity and marriage by idolising an evil, patriarchal religious site, never having known the worth and value of motherhood. Another who outright rejects motherhood, threatens another marriage rather than settle for a beta, and continually browbeats her friend even while saying she's only sticking up for her. And a poor chump, who missed out on fatherhood, lost his wife, and now can't win Helen's love or her soul. Sounds like the 80's to me...

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Affirmative Action makes you racist and sexist

In South Africa, Employment Equity and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment are legal methods of discrimination based on gender and race. By law, preferential treatment is given to some.

What this inevitably means is that it is harder for one group - those discriminated against - to get a job, and easier for another group - those discriminated in favour of - to get a job. For ease, I will call these groups White Men and Black Lesbians, respectively. And if White Men find it harder to get a job, then those White Men who do get a job will have to be of a higher quality than their colleagues. And if Black Lesbians find it easier to get a job, then some at least of those Black Lesbians will be of a lower quality than their colleagues.

This is a hate fact. A truthful statement which supports a prejudice. And observing this truth, that White Men are more competent than Black Lesbians, is bound to make more people racist and sexist than were before. This is because the red pill of truth will be taken, as a bitter pill or a suppository, any time you are surrounded by facts you can't ignore. It makes "pretty lies perish".

This came to mind because of a news article from South Africa. You see, it is legal to discriminate. But if you suggest that one of the Black Lesbians benefited from the law, it is illegal. In fact, it is "damning" to do so. Despite its obvious truth. Doubleplus ungood. Please do not commit thought crime any more.

So here's a bonus hate fact for you: Eyewitness News loves Big Brother.

Sunday 1 April 2018

He is risen!

Today is Easter. Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, after He gave His life to atone for our sins. Today He arose from the dead to minister to us for 40 more days, before ascending to Heaven, where He resides while we wait for His second coming.

Praise the Lord. Our sins can be forgiven, if we but ask. We should be grateful every day for this gift, but this weekend most of all, as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf.

Saturday 24 March 2018

If you're free today, thank a white man

On 25 March 1807, King George III assented to the Slave Trade Act, which abolished the slave trade in the British Empire. On 1 January 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. These two White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant countries were two of the earliest to abolish slavery. Others lagged far behind - Saudi Arabia only outlawed slavery in 1962, at a time when the world was castigating Rhodesia and South Africa for their treatment of uncastrated blacks.

Why is there all this talk of evil white and Western oppression, when they are the ones who freed the slaves? In the thousands of years of recorded history, nobody has done as much to eradicate the scourge of slavery, as have white people. White people set everyone free. It is high time a little gratitude was shown. If it wasn't for white men, there would still be slavery worldwide as there is in Libya today.

If you aren't a slave, you should thank a white man. They're the reason you're free. Let's celebrate this anniversary of the Slave Trade Act of 1807 by thanking white men for ending so much oppression throughout the globe.

Malema knows 4GW

The media recently reported on a Twitter conversation, wherein Julius Malema was asked "They say you organize farm murders." Male...