Sunday 28 May 2017

The decline of nobility

Nobility. Aristocracy. Royalty. Patricians.

There is a natural order of lower, working class peoples and upper class leaders. It will always exist, even under egalitarian communism (scorn be upon it). This is the way of the world, and is not in and of itself bad.

Nobles arose as men of merit and worth, gaining power and prestige through their achievements.

In days past, men like Charles Martel existed. A man who seized power from the degenerate and decaying Merovingians and made Frankia great again. He turned the Moors back, and kept his people free. In days past, men like Richard the Lionheart existed. A man who went to war to defend Christendom from a rapacious ideology, intent on enslaving the world. In days past, men like George Washington existed. A man who went against his natural Virginian royalist tendencies and was loyal to his tribe instead of a tyrannical government. In days past, men like Jan Smuts existed. A man so skilled in warfare that his erstwhile enemies made him a field marshal, and asked him to help lead the greatest war effort in the history of mankind.

I am saddened at the memory of these great, noble men. Because the leaders of today are cucks. Weak, craven appeasers of evil. They lick the boots of the commies and jihadis. They fail their people. They are no longer noble, despite what some of their titles claim. A duke is no longer dux, a great military leader. These people disgrace their lineages. Those of noble stock are no longer strong and good. Those of humble stock, who rose through skill at commerce, now debase their financial empires by chasing profit at the expense of decency and goodness, instead of in pursuit of virtue.

These weaklings must fall. Nations must uncuck themselves. Leaders must actually lead, or surrender the title to men who will. Not all are meant to lead. As Patton said: "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." It is time for leaders who will speak the truth and act in the interests of their own people, even if the rest of the world suffers. Loving your people means not loving the rest of the world.

I was inspired to this realisation most recently by a Gavin McInnes video from the other day. The reporter is a perfect example of the modern upper class retaining the arrogance and manners and speech of nobility, without having the nobility of spirit that is what really makes one noble. The soldier is a great example of why the symbiosis of noble and commoner works. He is humble, skilled at his profession, and loyal to his God, his family and his tribe. There are millions like him throughout the West. And all they need is strong and good leadership to unite them and lead them into greatness.

Destroy the cucks. God hates cowards. God wants brave, strong leaders. In Judges, God takes away the honour of victory from Barak for his cowardice and lack of faith. Be strong and of good courage.

And when the weak have fallen, we can learn how their blood was corrupted so that we don't let it happen again.

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