Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Order and nations

ZMan published an article today on Race Realism. In it is this quote:

"All human societies need order, otherwise they look like the Mad Max hellscape of places like Somalia. Order requires authority and that comes when the people being ruled over accept the people and system that provides order. The king is not going to be king very long if no one accept his right to rule. Similarly, people will not tolerate a ruling class that is populated by madmen denying reality. This is, in effect, what brought down the Soviet Empire. Even the beneficiaries of the system could no longer pretend it made any sense."

William Lind frequently mentions that the modern nation-state arose to provide order to the peoples of the world, as the systems before it had become chaotic. These nation-states did closely align with existing nations, and because of this provided order.

But we now have multicultural states with a high degree of anarcho-tyranny. The American state is still run by white people, even if they are establishment cucks and commies. They cannot comprehend the amount of imposed order - oppression, in other words - required to maintain order amongst the other nations within their borders. It often seems as if Detroit and Chicago need levels of oppression similar to those used by Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad to maintain order. This concept is foreign to whites, even though they realise that Tea Party libertarianism isn't feasible throughout the US. So they settle on a worthless middle ground of anarcho-tyranny: not enough government for the non-white tribes (anarchy); too much government for the whites (tyranny).

The South African state is in a similar situation, although it is not run by the white tribes any more. It is run by people who spent 40 or 50 years seeking less oppression, and working on undermining the state, without giving thought to what would be required to govern the black tribes. It is incapable of or unwilling to police black crime to any civilised degree (anarchy), and it blames whites for all problems and quickly seizes any opportunity to maintain the narrative by punishing even minor white wrongdoing (tyranny).

Perhaps the lack of policing is not even deliberate. I've read at least one black commenter say that whites complaining about crime are just getting what blacks got during apartheid in the black areas. Maybe I only think the South African crime rate is high because my race and culture are adapted to a different level.

And of course, the solution is really as simple as separation of the nations. Whether it's "they have to go back" or secession or ending forced integration like Section 8, different groups have different requirements. Those which self-regulate and order themselves need less government, and indeed suffer under too much of it. Those who cannot self-regulate need a harsher form of imposed order, and indeed suffer under too little government - witness the rise of ISIS in the absence of strong secular governments.

How to achieve this without war is the challenge. The closest I have come is a high level suggestion - but until I actually go out and do something about it, can I claim to have any skin in the game? (As an aside, I think Taleb might be my favourite Middle Easterner.) There are now many voices clamouring for such a solution, but I haven't encountered many working towards it or even planning how it could be done. Won't somebody cure my black-pilling?

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