Sunday, 17 June 2018

A Fathers' Day encomium

Today we celebrate men who love their children. Men who protect their children and men who provide for their children. This is my way of honouring my father.

We all have fathers. Mine raised me well, teaching me many manly arts, being an example to me of what it means to be a man. He taught me to shoot, he taught me how to sharpen a knife, and he taught me the duty a father has to protect his wife and children. He shielded me from my mother's womanly overprotectiveness when she didn't want me playing rugby, and he was there to watch every match of every sport I played. He helped push me in a productive direction when I had none of my own, and he supported me when I tried different paths.

Now he is not only a father to many, but a grandfather to many as well. His grandchildren love him too, and I can see the joy in their eyes whenever they see him. With his children, and his children's children, he truly believes "for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

He did his best to protect his family, and he did his best to provide for his family. No more needs be said, for there is enough glory in this for any man.

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